Experience GÔK

A new, healthy & sustainable bamboo drink

What is GÔK?Health Attributes

Drink to Your Health

GÔK is a new kind of health beverage, created by LAFOOBE. The refreshing nature of GÔK spawns from its unique source: bamboo, which is the most sustainable plant in the world.

Everything about GÔK is refreshing, from its conception as a new drink to its mission to give back to the source by fostering the growth of bamboo forests so that many more generations enjoy the fresh taste of GÔK.

We believe that GÔK will promote a good and healthy lifestyle. It is also a refreshing, functional and calorie-free drink that makes it a perfect pairing with exercising, running and any other sports activity.

And did we mention that it has 0 calories, sugar-free and has no unsaturated fats? Click here to learn more about GÔK’s health attributes.

Drink GÔK and you will be tasting nature in a way you’ve never tasted before.

Why Drink GÔK?


Containing a healthy silica with a wide range of health benefits, GÔK gives you an alternative to the usual health drinks no longer get you excited.


GÔK has an inviting, fresh taste that has wide appeal. Best of all, it is a great way to stay hydrated during an intense workout or after sports practice.


Made from bamboo, the most sustainable plant in the world, GÔK offers you a chance to feel good about a resource that keeps replenishing itself.


We believe that a tasty drink should also be healthy and nutritious. GÔK offers you a variety of health attributes unique to its bamboo source.


Crisp and refreshing drinks tend to be too sweet or too tart, but GÔK offers you the perfect balance for an exciting health drink choice.

0 Calories

If you knew nothing else about GÔK, all you need to know is that it has 0 calories and no sugar added to ensure the purest drinking experience.

GOK Bamboo Drink Bottles

Get in Touch with GÔK!

We want to know how much you love drinking GÔK. Take a moment to share your GÔK moment. And when you get a chance, share a post on social media of your favorite GÔK moment with hashtag #gokmoment.